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The Sense of Darkness

  • Imagen de portada del libro el sentido de la oscuridad.


  • Customer: The Sense of Darkness, De Santis.
  • Herramientas: Wordpress, Adobe creative suite.
  • Idioma: Spanish.

The migration was somewhat more complicated than normal as I did not have access to the hosting account. Fortunately Wordpress has good tools for exporting a blog - including posts, images, and users - and then importing it onto another site. And the rest also had a solution.

Cinzia has closed the website built to promote her first book because the publication of her second book is near and a general website is going to be built where news of these books and others that she may publish can be given.

The book is for sale on Amazon.

Completed tasks

  • Migration of the blog from its initial hosting to the current one.
  • Re-design with theme adaptable to mobile devices.
  • Implementation of email marketing, social networks.

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